
No Kid Hungry Families Project


The No Kid Hungry Families Project

My Role:

Project Manager, Creative Director

Problem: The fact that one in six American children face hunger is astonishing - but it's easy to overlook, because it's hard to imagine that the kid next door could be hungry. 

Solution: Create a bank of content that  introducing the No Kid Hungry donor base to real stories of families who face hunger to build empathy and awareness.

We began the project building personas for the types of people we wanted to talk to. I worked with Global Strategy Group to identify an initial 50 families, from whom we chose 30 final families in six cities. These cities gave us a representative swath of the US population - allowing us to talk to people in both rural and urban contexts, to people of different races and genders, who were facing hunger for a wide variety of reasons.

We set up in-person interviews with all fifty families, recorded our interviews and later transcribed and coded the interview for key words and themes that represented the work we aimed to illustrate.

Through the project we collected over 900 photos of families who have kids that face hunger every day. This photography is still used in virtually every piece of media that No Kid Hungry creates.

After interviewing all thirty families, I directed the production of three videos that were used in campaigns to support school breakfast and the SNAP program.

Finally, after poring through hundreds of pages of transcripts, I collected photos, quotes and key demographic information, along with a short synopsis of their story, and created 24 PDFs. These "story one pagers" were used to get earned media, enrich our social media, in grant proposals and executive keynotes. 

All of this research taught us to center messaging around one central theme:

No Kid Hungry is about protecting childhood.This theme carried through every other piece of content my team produced with No Kid Hungry for the duration of my time with the organization.